
Hussam A. Mohammed Khudheyer J. Kadem


In this work we are reported the synthesis , characterization of five new azo-schif compounds(M1,M2,M3,M4,M5) derived from 5-amino salicylic acid, by converting 5-amino-salicylic acid to diazonium salt, and from the reaction product it was reacted with a number of compounds Aromatic (aldehyde or ketone) to form azo compounds (H1,H2) and through the aldehyde or ketone carbonyl group, The compounds (H1,H2) were reacted with a number of aromatic compounds containing the primary amine group to obtain an amine group (C=N). ) And that these compounds are azo-schiff (M1-M5) containing azo group (N=N) and amine group (C=N). The Biological activity and physical properties of the prepared compounds were studied and The characterization was performed using FT-IR and proton NMR spectroscopes.

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5-amino-salicylic acid, Azo-schiff compounds, Schiff’s bases, Primary Amine

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